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Visit our library for worship service resources!

We Grow


We prepare for Sunday worship by gathering virtually on the preceding Tuesday evening to familiarize ourselves with the upcoming texts. This one hour time together addresses the historical traditions of the texts so that we can better understand the context for our faith. There is a brief time to discuss questions we bring to the texts, but reserve our reflections on the text for our worship the following Sunday.


Tuesdays before Monthly Worship
7-8 p.m. on Zoom; recordings available

We Worship


Our worship experience builds our church community and informs our mission of giving. God is still speaking to the world through sacred texts and contemporary prophets, poets and artists. They teach us who we are and expand our imagination of what we can do as a community. We replace the traditional sermon with a period of group reflection where all are invited to share how the readings have revealed how God is still speaking to our lives during the past week. Our small size allows us to practice listening to each person and appreciate every contribution to our community’s understanding of God in the world.


A potluck meal is an integral part of our worship experience and concludes our time together on Sunday evenings. Sharing food together is good practice for sharing with people outside our church!


First Sundays at 5:30 p.m.
829 Pensacola Street, Honolulu
(enter parking lot from Rycroft Street)


We meet for dinner and worship on the first Sunday of each month. Worship begins at 5:30 p.m. followed by potluck dinner at 6:30 p.m.

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